Sunday 9 October 2016

Vehicle 77 Redux

A clear personal favourite in my fleet, the Enerjet Nike Ram-inspired Vehicle 77, photographed in northeast Switzerland on July 30, 1999, on the occasion of a flight powered by a 24 mm Aerotech E28-7T RMS composite motor. This flight took place in the early afternoon of a beautifully clear day, with low winds, and a temperature of around 30 degrees Celsius.

Launched off an Aerotech Mantis pad, Vehicle 77 carried a 6 volt piezo sonic locator. The rocket flew fast, very stable, and out of sight, to a computed altitude of slightly over 800 meters. The parachute deployed perfectly, but the rocket's payload section and parachute became entangled in a barn drain pipe upon landing. The tallest member of our little launch group was just able to pull it free, but the piezo sonic locator was lost during the retrieval, and the plastic parachute was damaged. Vehicle 77 itself survived in perfect condition.

A few weeks later, I replaced damaged parachute (it had likely been the wrong choice for such a rocket at any rate) with a nylon parachute by Rogue Aerospace.

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